Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Have One Ber-Nana Left

I just had an absolutely fantastic day. I got to see a friend I haven't seen since last year! Yay!! All I can think about is how much fun I had. Make-up galore! I'll post up a photo of the make-up I did on her eye and one that she did on herself. People should not look down on make-up that costs a dollar. You can find some pretty amazing stuff.
Anyways, I promised a photo of the Inglot purchase I recently made. Here's the photos! Swatches to come soon!!

Tell me you aren't absolutely flipping your lid over this? Is it not gorgeous? That yellow and red... The pigmentation is awesome. Touch and go, touch and go all the way.
Okay, moving on from this ELF.

If you're lucky enough to buy some ELF make-up you'll know how great this cosmetic brand actually is. ELF is super affordable. Prices start at $1.00. Like any other brand there are some pros and cons to it. Some products work fantastically others not so much but it really depends on the person using them. But at my friends' house she recently received some ELF make-up and holy moly canolli. The pigmentation is crazy.


This is one of the ELF eyeshadows my friend received. The eyeshadow is part of a collection called Brightening Eye Color. It comes with four different eye-shadow colors, a tiny mirror and small sponge brush. The only con to this is the mirror is so small, it's basically useless. But the pro is the pigmentation. The one pictured here is called Punk Funk and the pink is gorgeous. The pigmentation is amazing. The best part has to be that you get awesome pigmentation for only $1.00!

I'll be putting up more photos this week of make-up and a book review. Well that's pretty much it for now, off I go to the realm of dreams!! Good night!

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